Vintage Pecan

Monday, April 13, 2015

Sweet Dreams?

One night last week I had my first wedding dream nightmare! I'm pretty sure I dreamed about the wedding at all because Will and I spent the evening cruising the internet checking out videographers and watching numerous wedding videos! I was also a little stressed last week with a lot going on at work and caring for my grandmother while my parents were away on vacation, so my brain was a little foggy!

Anyways, in my dream we were at the rehearsal dinner having a wonderful evening. People were toasting us and saying such wonderful things. Some how I knew that I had been successful in booking all my favorite vendors with no budgetary strain (definitely how I know it was a dream!) We were eating and celebrating and then all of a sudden I stood up and said, "Oh NO! I forgot to buy a dress! What am I going to wear tomorrow?!" Now at this point I'm not sure if I took it upon myself or if a friend/family member suggested what I should do, but I got on Facebook and put up a status saying I needed a dress for the next day! When I didn't get immediate response, I started direct messaging friends, who I knew where married, asking to BORROW their wedding gown!! I have no idea what happened next because I woke up!

I hear these wedding dreams/nightmares are going to be quite common for the next year... ha! I hope they are all as funny as this one turned out to be! When I told Will he reassured me that there is NO WAY this would ever happen because there are too many women in my life that wouldn't let it happen. Once I woke up enough to comprehend it I couldn't help but laugh. Cheers to more dreams on the way to marrying the man of them!

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